Your Sub-Mission 👨🏭
Our theme as you likely already know, continues to be "The Great Commission... STILL our mission."
This theme has served as a rallying cry for us all to think of the commissioning of ourselves as Christians, partnering with Christ and other Christians who also share in the objectives of the mission... a sort of Co-Mission in a sense.
While we all have a shared mission, a singleness of purpose, a oneness of spirit, under one Lord, one Faith, one baptism... our roles in the execution of this mission is different.
This is akin to an assembly of workers, whose goal is to construct a multi-storey tower. Though there would be the overarching goal of erecting the edifice, the role that each person would play would have to be quite distinct in order to accomplish the goal.
To have mission success, there would be a need for masons, carpenters, electricians, plumbers and other specialized individuals to show up and diligently carry out the portion of the work that they have been tasked with.
If a mason is working on the construction of a tower, it doesn't matter if the tower is a single-storey building or if it has 20 floors, his job is to ensure that the blocks are laid firm and straight.
The plumber doesn't need to figure out how to operate the crane, he/she just needs to ensure that the pipes are properly laid and fully functional.
This is no different from our own engagement in the Mission that Christ has assigned to us as His followers.
God has given us all different gifts... and placed us in different parts of the world, with different connections and opportunities.
If you've been called to minister to children, then this is what you should ensure that you're doing.
If your gifting is in the area of sharing the Gospel through music or singing, then you must be sure to make use of every opportunity that God sends your way.
If you have been anointed as an encourager, then you have to ensure that you are doing your part to strengthen the weakened or discouraged singing minister.
For the mission to be a success, you must be willing to surrender and submit yourself to the goal of the whole.
To some God gave the gift of teaching, to some preaching, praying, giving and a host of other roles. Regardless of what the gift or the role is, be sure to find your place in the overall mission and make every effort to execute to the best of your ability Your Sub-Mission.