The True Miracle ✨🖐
Oh what modern scientists wouldn't give to study Lazarus.
What journalists wouldn't do to interrogate his every experience.
What psychiatrists would trade for the opportunity to delve deep into the psyche of a man literally brought back from death to be once again among the living.
For that matter, what some of us wouldn't do to get even 5 minutes' worth of time to pick his brain, quiz him almost back to death or maybe even ask about our own Great Granny who passed away a decade or so ago.
Us human beings are quite fascinated by mysteries and puzzles. We like to dissect that which doesn't fully add up and try to make sense of it all.
As the Bible says, right now we kinda see through a glass darkly. We can't quite see the full picture from our vantage point and so try to put together scattered shards in the hope of gaining understanding and seeing more clearly.
It is no wonder then, that given the opportunity... had we been on the scene back then when Lazarus stepped forth out of that tomb, we would have probably been pushing and shoving along with the town criers and news reporters/scribes to catch a glimpse of Lazarus and maybe a sound bite or two. We would for sure want to ask him what it was like, what did he see, how does he feel... all that.
...but guess what? While we are busy doing that, Jesus slowly slips away, with barely a second thought or notice in that moment.
Jesus becomes the secondary story.
Sadly, this is typical of how we operate by default.
We tend to give pride of place to the miracle over the Miracle Worker. We focus on the created over the Creator.
In this story that we know so well, Lazarus' resurrection is the object... while Jesus is the subject.
It was Jesus who (in what seemed like an almost effortless gesture) raised Lazarus from being unquestionably dead. He did what clearly should have been impossible and yet the natural impulse is to be in awe of the work of the miracle over the Worker of the miracle.
What we could learn from the poking and prodding and pricking for DNA could never provide us with the answers to life that we would be hoping to find... even with science as advanced and as modern as it is today.
For the answers to life, let us focus on the Life-Giver, the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ... the one who Himself was dead, buried and then came back to life on the third day.
The One whose return from the dead now gives us all an opportunity to have eternal (everlasting) life.
Jesus, the Son of God, is The True Miracle.