The One Foundation ✝⛪
“I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. that they may be brought to complete unity." ~ John 17:20-23
Did you know that the Church's one foundation, is Jesus Christ?
What does that mean?
If you look around you wherever you live or work or go to school, you will see quite a variety of people.
If you travel to faraway places, by plane, by boat or by the Internet, you will observe many diverse sets of people, differentiated by culture, race, ideologies and a whole host of other influences and perspectives.
One of the interesting things that you will find as well, is that even if on your travels you should spend time with brothers and sisters in Christ who share a doctrine as close to your own as you could find... you will still find a heap of heterogeneity that highlights the differences between themself and yourself.
Human Beings seem to embody a multiplicity of uniqueness ad infinitum. We may find differences among us that would blow your mind.
Quite interesting then is the thought and the truth, that God made us all. 🤔
Even more curious it is, that He made us different on purpose.
One can therefore, only conclude that our God loves Him some variety.
So then... thinking more deeply about this... particularly in the context of Jesus' own prayer, where He makes it clear that He wants us to be one... just as He is one with His Heavenly Father... it must mean that our differences are not intended to be a blocker for our unity as people who believe in Jesus Christ as Saviour.
It was and is Jesus' desire that just as He is in the Father as one, that He will be one with us, which enables us to be one with each other... and brought to complete unity.
Unfortunately, there will always be those who attempt to tout and twist and teach the scriptures in an unfortunately divisive way. There will always be people who choose to see the minor and minute differences and magnify them as roadblocks and obstacles.
On your mission for Christ and in partnership with Him to see His vision through, seek peace and pursue it, in as much as depends on you, don't get distracted or bogged down in foolish and pointless arguments as the god-less world slow-cooks on its way to hell and eternal damnation.
God has provided us a wonderful legacy through His Son, One who not only serves as a blueprint and an example for us to follow, but serves as the common touchpoint for all believers to harmonize on... so let us be for all the world the new creation that it needs to behold, as together with the body of believers, from near or far we hold fast to Jesus who is for us The One Foundation.