Conversion Retention Metrics πŸ“ˆ

"So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up ... and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.." ~ Ephesians 4:11-13

Conversion Retention Metrics πŸ“ˆ
Photo by Luke Chesser / Unsplash

So many new products and services have popped up over the last few years, many of them catalyzed by the sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic where people are having all kinds of new or amplified needs and desires that create new opportunities.

A lot of these new businesses are subscription-based and like all businesses depend heavily on converting curious explorers into committed customers.

If you were to be employed at such a company, you would often hear words such as "conversion" flying around a lot, which speaks to the rate at which persons interested in what you are offering actually buy into it. Β Success.

No doubt, you would also encounter in more than a meeting/report or two, the buzzword of "retention", which takes focus on the next step of moving short-term success into the realm of long-term success. Β The drive here is to ensure that converted customers remain customers and stick with the service or product.

All this is carefully measured, assessed and handled with care. Β In fact, millions and billions of dollars and hours of effort are invested in solidifying and growing these "metrics" (there's another buzzword fer ya).

The result from resilient dedication to this herculean effort is oftentimes what every company wants to see: Growth.

Growth in its numbers, growth in its bottom line, growth in popularity.

How awesome it would be if we as the workers of God took the time and developed the habit of that kind of commitment and diligence to track and target our conversions?

Sure, churches do it on some level, but if we the church purposed to do this on a scale and level that matches the market potential that we're dealing with, i.e. the approximately 5.4 Billion people still unsaved in the world... imagine the impact that could have on the world 🌎... on a global scale. 😱

Our aim is to convert unsaved souls, but we can't even stop there. Β Our mission dictates that we make DISCIPLES of all nations. Β So what we need is people who, once converted to Christ, will be retained as a part of the ongoing mission. Β We need people fully subscribed to the cause of Christ... rooted and built-up.

Remember: You have a role to play. Β It starts with you.

It is our duty to not only catch and convert, but to encourage and educate those that are in Christ so that we can build a unified body, with each one sharpening the other and pushing forward the growth of the whole.

So as we press forward, carrying out The Great Commission in love, let us take time to allow God to guide our strategic plans, and as His people, work diligently towards boosting our Conversion Retention Metrics.