Out Of Space🧹✂
Sometimes our devices' available storage capacity gets to a point of total depletion.
We find ourselves in so many different WhatsApp and other chat groups, where viral videos and funny forwards bombard us daily and sometimes hourly.
As we chow down on the millions of bytes of content hurtling towards us on the regular, they fill our phones, fill our times and fill our hearts.
Before you know it, our devices start to get ram packed with all kinds of non-nutritional morsels of information, a lot of which, to be honest, is neither educational nor edifying.
The result thereof is that our devices start to behave janky... which is essentially the popular contemporary term referring to the habitual malfunctioning of electronic devices that burden the owners and operators with having to perform frequent restarts, battery pulls and power cycling.
Interestingly enough, it turns out that it's not just the devices that suffer the side effects of an unhealthy diet of junk.
We are called to be responsible stewards of the spirit within us, that is called to commune with God's Holy Spirit.
We are guided by God's Word not to grieve the Holy Spirit who has sealed us until the day of redemption. We are called to walk in righteousness and purity... to be holy, as God is holy.
When we invite and ingest folly, foolishness, ungodly jesting and such the like, it fills us up on the inside and tries to squeeze up and out the presence and fellowship we have with God and leaves us janky, slow and malfunctioning.
In much the same way as the solution for our devices is to guard what kind of content we intake and invest in, likewise, we must each protect and secure our heart, guarding it against all unholy incursion that would mute our ministry and dull our discernment.
Let us periodically and habitually then, take the time to intentionally clear out the crud that tends to gather around our spiritual arteries. Let's shed the pounds of unwanted filth that easily weighs us down and delete all the things that would want to rival the pride of place reserved for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ so that we can ensure that we will always have room for the Spirit of the Lord to fill our temple and not be in any way hindered because we have run Out Of Space.