Laced With Love ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’–

As people who love God, why do we do what we do?

Is that a question that you've ever asked yourself?

The answer of course is all bound up in love.

Our God of love, who IS love, showed us love so that we can show others love.

That means that everything we do, everything we say, should be absolutely powered by love.

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, struggling with which direction to go? ย Or maybe you were in the heat of a particular moment and you already knew what the right thing to do was, but you simply and inexplicable couldn't bring yourself to do what you knew you should. When you find yourself buckling under the thought of turning the other cheek, being graceful in spite of abuse and injustice... when every fibre of your being screams to just step out and defend yourself... or reach for backitive to do it for you... it is in those moments of anguish that we have to reach down deep, beyond ourselves to pull from the wellspring of love that is within us, stored up in these jars of clay we call our bodies.

Sounds familiar? ย Well, this is what Christ did... and this is what so many pages of the Bible teach.

It's easier to decide to do the right thing when sitting and reading comfortably in the joy of meditation and worship. ย It is not often so when theory meets practical.

The secret is of course out, that the strength to be led by love always, is to always be connected to love. ย The Bible calls us the branches to stay connected to The Vine. ย This is how we stay nourished and strong.

So as we GO into all the earth, mixing and mingling... before we step one foot out the door, let us make up in our minds and determine in our hearts that we are going to treat everyone with

- civility (being kind, polite and courteous)
- humility (having a modest and not prideful view of one's own self and importance)
- dignity (regarding them with honour and respect)

There's always more to learn and master about love. ย The more we practice, the better we'll get at it.

So, in all our dealings, with all people, all the time, may our output and expressions be guided by grace and Laced With Love.