Breathe In Me 🌬💨
If you are no stranger to the intricate orchestrations and mind-blowing workings of God... how He can string some seemingly unconnected events, incidents, information and details together to produce a masterpiece... then you must know the miracles He can work through all the directives and directions He provides in His written masterpiece: The Bible.
It is through His intentional work, that everything that we read in the Bible, is in the Bible. Our Heavenly Father has intricately woven specific scriptures and recounts into the many books and chapters on purpose.
God has breathed from Himself, every word that manifests in His scriptures.
What that means, is that as God continues to administer the logistics of your life and leads you to messages and lessons from the Bible, He does that for a reason. There is no "happy happenstance", or coincidence, or "buck-ups" or whatever you call it.
God has breathed from His scriptures, every word that manifests in your life.
Take a moment... and just let that sink in.
Don't miss it, because, what it means, is that as you open yourself to the Word of God, He will pour into you, according to His perfect plan for your life, exactly what messages and guidance you need to receive to shape you and guide you along the path that He has laid out for you, from the beginning.
So with that in mind, let us realize our part in God's big, wonderful, fantastic plan and come before the Breath of life saying: Breathe In Me.