Aspire To Inspire 💡😲
In a month like May where we turn the spotlight on teachers, children, mothers, grandmothers and the like, it's hard not to get inspired when we think of the service that some of these quiet giants have been offering over the years.
Oftentimes the work is arduous, unappreciated, thankless and unthought-of.
That is, of course, until the time comes to shine that light or unleash the catalogue of songs that aerate the indispensable pillars that these unsung heroes truly are.
While we'll eventually get to June when the time will come to bring to light the labour of love and the sacrifices put out by the men and fathers and grandfathers in our lives, we can already include them in the pool of sterling examples from which we can be motivated unto good works.
Here's something to consider though.
When you think of these heroes and legends about whom these ballads and tributes have been penned, especially those that you've known personally and can with confidence approve that they've worked selflessly and are worthy of the acclaim... did you ever pause to wonder how they got there?
It is unlikely that these luminaries to whom you would readily pay homage would have started their journey at the nth hour of their lives.
To have the kind of impact of one who would change lives and impact the world, undoubtedly one would need to lay hold on that disposition early and determine in their heart to pour out and invest in the lives of others.
Would you like to one day be able to look back and be Blessed by knowing that you not only made a difference in some of the lives that you came across, but also that the legacy that you leave behind... that is, the trail of actions that characterize your past... would serve as a model to incite and encourage others to follow the same path and offer themselves selflessly in the service of others?
That is something that we should all strive for. It's what Jesus would have done. It's what Jesus actually did.
So, don't put it off. Don't delay. Don't tell yourself that when you reach your golden ages you're going to start laying out your plans for how you can influence and rouse the next generation onto grand works of goodness and godliness. Now... is the time for you to Aspire To Inspire.